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Issues of the magazine in 2016

Issue No. 1 (5)


The issue is devoted to the development of the agricultural machinery market, the problems of agricultural land management

Issue No. 2 (6)


The development of regional grain markets, directions of minimization of national economic risks through the development of non-resource exports are analyzed, the column "Student tribune" has been opened

Issue No. 3 (7)


The issue deals with the problems of forming a modern agricultural policy, regional analytics on the development of labor resources in the agro-industrial complex, conceptual issues of risk management in the agro-industrial complex of Russia

Issue No. 4 (8)


The results of studies of the fertility of gray and forest sod-podzolic soils, a number of materials on improving technical service in the agro-industrial complex, approaches to organizing test centers in the agro-industrial complex are presented. Materials of student science are published.

Issue No. 5 (9)


This issue discusses the problems of using qualitative and statistical methods of risk analysis, prerequisites for increasing the durability of soil-cutting working bodies and other issues.

Issue No. 6 (10)


The results of the analysis of the reproduction of the machine and tractor fleet and the sources of its financing in the agricultural sector of the Tver region, the peculiarities of the species composition of the microflora in horses, the specifics of monopolization of the milk market and associated social risks are presented.

Issue No. 7 (11)


This issue discusses modern approaches to assessing the technical condition of diesel fuel equipment, methods of procurement and storage of juicy feed for animals, as well as issues of risk formation when buying spare parts for the repair of domestic agricultural machinery

Issue No. 8 (12)


This issue presents approaches to minimizing risks in the use of milking equipment, reducing environmental risks, creating a single Internet space in the agro-industrial complex.

Issue No. 9 (13)


This issue discusses the problems of improving the machine and tractor fleet of the Russian agro-industrial complex, the possibility of reviving machine-technological stations, the development of dealer networks of agricultural machinery, the results of creating new sustainable varieties of cucumbers.

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