180608 | Портал "Управление рисками в АПК"
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Issue No. 6 (28), 2018
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Analysis of the resource potential of the fishery complex of the Russian Federation

Stepanova Yana Yurievna - Leading Specialist, Analytical Center of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, Moscow, Russia

E-mail: y.stepanova@mcx.ru

SPIN: 4283-1601

Nikiforov Yuri Borisovich - Chief Specialist, Analytical Center of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, Moscow.

E-mail: y.nikiforov@mcxac.ru

SPIN: 8790-6089


The article discusses the issue of the production potential of the fishery industry in Russia and identifies the key points of growth of the industry. It should be noted the growing influence of aquaculture products on the domestic market, including imported ones.


Fisheries complex; resource base; development potential; fishing; fish farming; mining; retrospective analysis.

Bibliographic address

Stepanova Ya.Yu., Nikiforov Yu.B. Analysis of the resource potential of the fishery complex of the Russian Federation // Risk management in the agro-industrial complex. 2018.No. 6.P. 58-66. URL: http://www.agrorisk.ru/20180608 [access date: DD.MM.YYYY]. ISSN 2413-6573.

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