Issue No. 2. October 2015
Features of the organization and functioning of agromarketing at agricultural enterprises
Semenov Yuri Alexandrovich
Assistant, Department of Management and Marketing of Engineering and Technical Systems, Faculty of Economics, Timiryazev Russian State Agricultural University-Moscow Agricultural Academy, Moscow, Russia.
This article discusses the main problems hindering the development of marketing at agricultural enterprises of the Russian Federation, raises the question of the development of a marketing approach in the conditions of the internal and external environment of agribusiness, gives the components of the agro-marketing system at the enterprise and the results of evaluating the marketing activities of agribusiness enterprises.
Agricultural enterprise; marketing approach; agromarketing; marketing system; agromarketing efficiency; marketing management function.
Bibliographic address
Semenov Yu.A. Features of the organization and functioning of agromarketing at agricultural enterprises // Risk management in the agro-industrial complex. 2015. No. 2. S. 29-38. URL: [access date: 00.00.0000]. ISSN 2413-6573