How to format an article?
Requirements for article formatting
Text editor - Microsoft Word.
Format - A4.
Margins - 2 cm from all sides.
Font - Cambria.
The font size is 14.
Line spacing - 1.5.
Paragraph indentation is 1.25.
Orientation - book, without hyphenation, preferably without footnotes.
Formula editor - Microsoft Office package (MathType).
Scientific direction (indicate one from the list): agricultural sciences; economic sciences; physical and mathematical sciences; chemical sciences; biological sciences; Technical science; legal sciences; sociological sciences; political science; earth sciences.
The surname and initials of the author (s) - in the center, in capital letters.
The title of the article in Russian - centered, without indentation, in capital letters.
The text of the article is justified.
Links in the text are formatted as follows: [1, 157], [3, 40; 8, 50], [4], [8, file 143, l. eight].
Requirements for the formatting of the data block about the author (s) and annotations in Russian
The font size is 14.
Line spacing - 1.0.
Left and right indentation - 1.0.
Brief abstract of the article. The abstract contains a description of the main topic, the purpose of the work, its results and scientific novelty. The recommended volume of annotation is no more than 500 characters.
Key words - at least 5.
Surname and full name and patronymic of the author (s) (in italics) - academic degree and academic title (if any), position, department name in the nominative case, the name of the organization (university) in the nominative case.
E-mail - left-aligned, in lowercase letters.
SPIN code of the author's RSCI - if available (you can find it out or get it at
The list of references, drawn up in accordance with GOST, is given in alphabetical order or in the order of mention at the end of the article in the form of a numbered list.
The list of references is drawn up in italics.
Requirements for the formatting of the data block about the author (s), annotation and bibliography in English
Font size, line spacing, left and right indentation - drawn up in the same way as in Russian.
Brief annotation of the article (Annotation), keywords (Keywords), surname and full name and patronymic of the author (s), e-mail - is drawn up similarly to the requirements in Russian.
The author's RSCI SPIN is not required to be specified.
References - font size 12, line spacing - 1.0, no indents, the title is centered and highlighted in bold and italic type, for the list of references itself, the text is justified in width, the titles of publications are highlighted in italics.
For the correct preparation of the article, we recommend using the article formatting sample.