The experiment of Angelina Kovaleva from the Center for Additional Education of the Chaplyginsky district of the Lipetsk region turned out to be the most unusual at the All-Russian network project on variety testing "Malaya Timiryazevka". The young farmer grew a real sweet potato in a pot and took second place in the nomination "Overseas miracle". The finalists of the All-Russian competition "Young agronomist" were a schoolgirl from Lyceum No. 4 Dankova Tatiana Savina and students of the Center for Additional Education "EcoMir" Anna Koshelyaeva, Ekaterina Lungu, Ilya Tulyakov.
They submitted vegetable growing projects to the competition. "Malaya Timiryazevka" has been implemented since 2016. The main goal is to interest schoolchildren in experimental and practical work on seed production and variety testing, to draw attention to agricultural technologies. Since the age of 7, children have been getting acquainted with the achievements of genetics in practice, learn about the professions of the agro-industrial complex - A New life