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Consumer price index in Russia. For the period from 20 to 26 July 2021, the index was 100.00%, from the beginning of July - 100.38%, from the beginning of the year - 104.59%.

Over the week prices increased: for chocolate candies - by 0.7%, boiled sausages, sausages, wieners - by 0.5%, fat cottage cheese, cookies, buckwheat and noodles - by 0.4%, pork, semi-smoked and boiled sausages - smoked, rennet cheeses, black tea, rice and pasta - by 0.3%, beef, canned meat and fruit and berries for baby food, wheat flour and bread - by 0.2%, canned vegetables for baby food, milk sterilized, salt, frozen fish, butter and margarine - by 0.1%.

On average, prices for sunflower oil fell by 0.1%, for granulated sugar - rose by 0.1%, prices for chicken meat are growing up - by 0.1%. Chicken eggs fall in price further - by 0.2%.

Prices for fruits and vegetables decreased by an average of 2.8%. Prices for carrots began to experience crop pressure - they decreased by 8.4%, potatoes - by 7.5%, cucumbers - by 5.4%, tomatoes - by 4.3%, onions - by 1.9%. At the same time, prices for white cabbage increased by 0.2%, apples - by 0.1%.

Decreased prices for mutton - by 0.1% and millet - by 0.1%. @agrorisk

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