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Food and processing industry price index. In May 2022, producer prices for manufactured goods of all types in the index decreased by 6.9% compared to April 2022. However, even taking into account the May decline in the January-May y/y pair, manufactured goods jumped in price by 24.9%.

Food industry prices in the May/April 2022 pair increased by 0.7%, in dynamics by May 2021 - by 19.6%, in total for January-May 2022, the price increase amounted to 12.6%.

The beverage industry is seeing a more buoyant momentum. In May to April 2022, prices jumped 3.7%. In dynamics by May 2021, a price increase of 17.1% is recorded. For January-May this year factories raised prices by 15.1%

In general, manufacturing industries showed a rise in prices for January-May y/y by 22.2%. The excess of the composite price index over food and beverages was due to the chemical industry (+37.2%), the rubber industry (+29.7%), the building materials industry (+32.9%) @agrorisk

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