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Livestock of farm animals. At the end of April 2021, the livestock of cattle in farms of all categories of agricultural producers amounted to 18.5 million heads (1.7% less than in April 2020) against 18.4 million heads in March 2021.

The dairy herd in April numbered 7.9 million heads. By April 2020, the herd had decreased by 1.3% or 100 thousand cows. By March 2021, it increased by 0.9%, or about 80 thousand cows.

Pigs - 26.6 million Paired April 2021/2020 livestock increased by 0.6%, in the April / March 2021 pair, the increase was 1.2% or 300 thousand heads.

The dynamics of the livestock of sheep and goats - 22.9 million heads, which is 4.6% less than in April 2020 and 2.7% more than in March 2021.

In April, households owned 40.5% of the cattle population (+ 0.3% versus March 2021), 9.2% of pigs (+ 0.3%) and 45.9% of sheep and goats (-0, 7%) of the livestock in all categories of farms. At the end of April 2020, the structure looked like 41.3%, 10.1%, 45.5%, respectively

In agricultural organizations at the end of April 2021, compared with the corresponding date of 2020, the number of cattle decreased by 1.5%, cows - by 1.0%, sheep and goats - by 12.5%, the number of pigs increased by 1.8 %, birds - by 0.2%. @ agrorisk

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