Overdue wage arrears (excluding SMEs). If the organizations do not lie, the total wage arrears in the industries monitored by Rosstat as of April 1, 2021 amounted to 1,730 million rubles. (against 2,153 million rubles in 2020).
This is less than 1% of the country's monthly payroll. Over the month, debts to employees decreased by 75 million rubles (4.1%)
Organizations owe 97 million rubles to agricultural workers as of 01.04.2021, food companies - 72 million rubles, beverage producers - 16 million rubles.
Fish farm organizations and tobacco companies reported that there were no debts.
In the chemical industry, debts to employees amounted to 88 million rubles, manufacturers of rubber products - 500 thousand rubles, in the sector of agricultural and other machinery - 152 million rubles. @agrorisk