Individual consumption of food products in Russia. Along with the traditional classification, Rosstat publishes the consumer price index by purpose (international classifier COICOP). It is used in the development of indicators of individual consumption as part of GDP, and allows one to compare the dynamics of prices for goods and services, based on the purposes of their use.
All goods and services in a pair Q1 2021/2020 rose in price by 5.6%. In March to February of this year. by 0.7%, compared to March last year by 5.8%.
Prices for food in March 2020 increased by 8.8% by March 2021, for soft drinks by 8.8%. Over the same period, prices for alcohol increased by 2.6% and tobacco products - by 10.3%.
Monthly dynamics within the 1st quarter of 2020 fluctuated with price increases from + 0.4% (drinks) to 1.7% (cigarettes). @agrorisk
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