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Issue No. 3 (7), March 2016

Conceptual problems of the formation of modern agrarian policy

Lemetti Yulia Alexandrovna

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Management and Entrepreneurship, Faculty of Economics, Tver State Agricultural Academy, Tver, Russia.


SPIN RSCI: 5036-7564

Kelebay Rostislav Romanovich

Postgraduate student, Department of Accounting, Analysis and Finance, Faculty of Economics, Tver State Agricultural Academy, Tver, Russia


The article presents the results of the author's systematization of conceptual problems of the formation of the modern agrarian policy of the Russian Federation, including the assessment of the positive and negative consequences of the implementation of measures of state regulation of the agri-food market in the context of international sanctions. The presence of a significant potential for using the principles of clustering as the foundation of a new agrarian policy and an effective instrument of state regulation has been substantiated.


Agrarian policy, government regulation, food embargo, sustainable development, cluster policy.

Bibliographic address

Lemetti Yu.A., Kelebay R.R. Conceptual problems of the formation of modern agrarian policy // Risk management in the agro-industrial complex. 2016. No. 3. S. 30-45. URL: [access date: 00.00.0000]. ISSN 2413-6573

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