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Issue No. 8 (12), 2016

In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”

Idrisov E.Kh.
System of indicators of the ecological development of the region

Idrisov Elkhan Khukumdarovich - Master student, Department of Management, Faculty of Economics, Russian State Agricultural University named after K.A. Timiryazeva, Moscow, Russia.



The article examines certain aspects of the implementation of environmental safety in Moscow as one of the important directions of the municipal policy of the capital. In particular, the state of the atmosphere, air pollution with dust and poisonous gases, the state of groundwater and soil, as well as green spaces within the city are analyzed.


Municipal economy; city ​​government; ecology; environmental protection; environmental Safety.

Bibliographic address

Ugurchiev I.A. Problems of using environmental payments // Risk management in the agro-industrial complex. 2016. No. 8. S. 32-35. URL: [access date: DD.MM.YYYY]. ISSN 2413-6573.

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