Issue No. 9 (13), 2016
A.A. Atlukhanov
On the revival and modernization of the system of machine-technological stations in agriculture
Atlukhanov Artur Abdulakhakovich - Ph.D. in Economics, Leading Economist, Federal State Institution “Signal Combine” named after A.A. Grigoriev, Federal Agency for State Reserves, Moscow, Russia.
SPIN: 3526-3579
This article discusses the issues of improving and developing the existing material and technical basis of enterprises and organizations of the agro-industrial sector, namely, machine-technological stations. Approaches to the creation of a unified system of machine-technological stations on the territory of the entire state are proposed due to the adoption at the federal level of a special normative legal act regulating the procedure for their functioning, their organizational and legal status, basic principles of work, planning of activities.
Agriculture; machine-technological stations; MTS; modernization of the agro-industrial complex; the economic growth.
Bibliographic address
A.A. Atlukhanov On the revival and modernization of the system of machine-technological stations in agriculture // Risk management in the agro-industrial complex. 2016. No. 9. S. 48-54. URL: [date of access: DD.MM.YYYY]. ISSN 2413-6573.