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Issue No. 1. September 2015

To the question of the mechanisms of modernization of the material and technical equipment of agricultural producers

Atlukhanov Artur Abdulakhakovich

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Leading Economist, Federal State Institution "Signal Combine" named after A.A. Grigoriev, Federal Agency for State Reserves, Moscow, Russia.


This article discusses the technical base of agriculture. The necessity of its modernization and development, accelerating the renewal of the used equipment, and increasing its production is substantiated. New mechanisms and directions for the development of agriculture in terms of modernization and development of its technical base are proposed.


Agriculture; material and technical equipment of agriculture; new production technologies; the economic growth; leasing

Bibliographic address

A.A. Atlukhanov To the question of the mechanisms of modernization of the material and technical equipment of agricultural producers // Risk management in the agro-industrial complex. 2015. No. 2. P. 39-45. URL: [access date: 00.00.0000]. ISSN 2413-6573

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