Служба AR News

6 июля 2022 г.1 мин.


Beverage production in Russia. The beverage production index in the May YoY pair was 108%, and in the January-May yoy pair it accelerated by 111%.

In May, 6.2 million bottles of vodka were spilled against 6 a year ago. By April of this year, vodka factories May output fell short by 4.6%.

Wineries produced about 824 thousand bottles of wine and champagne in May 2022, and 773 thousand bottles of cognac. However, even in total, this is much less than the May issue in 2021, then the wine (consolidated) plants produced 2.5 million dcl. In fact, in May, there is a 2-3-fold drop in production.

Breweries in May YoY bottled 75.3 million bottles against 77.9, but in the May/April yoy pair they increased production by 6%. About drinking water and soft drinks, we will tell you in the next posts @agrorisk






















