Issue No. 2 (18), 2017
Issue No. 2 (18), 2017
B. A. Nefedov and G. A. Suvorov
Nefedov Boris Aleksandrovich - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Department of Management, Faculty of Economics named after A.V. Chayanov, RSAU-Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazeva, Moscow, Russia
SPIN: 6956-0680
Suvorov Gleb Aleksandrovich - Master's student of the Department of Management, Faculty of Economics named after A.V. Chayanov, RSAU-Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazeva, Moscow, Russia
RSCI SPIN: 1117-3869
The article discusses the economic methods of production management at agricultural enterprises, as well as the main tasks and goals of improving production management at agricultural enterprises.
Management improvement, production management, economic methods, production management subsystems.
Bibliographic address
B.A. Nefedov, G.A. Suvorov Economic methods of production management and improvement of production management at agricultural enterprises // Risk management in the agro-industrial complex. 2017. No. 2. S. 6-16. URL: [access date: DD.MM.YYYY]. ISSN 2413-6573.
In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”
In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”
Economic management methods are understood as a system of economic incentives and levers that indirectly affect production and organize the activities of the organization and its employees in the direction necessary for society.
Economic interests form a system in society that can be divided into the interests of the state, collective, individual.
There are dialectical contradictions between these interests, not artificial, but objectively existing from the very beginning.
Each worker is interested in the results of his labor, of the collective of which he is a member, of all social production. In this regard, there are priorities of interests - first there should be the interests of society, then production collectives and each individual.
The problem of combining personal, collective and state interests has always been among the most difficult. It includes the solution of a number of tasks, for example, the establishment in each period of the most rational relationship between the distribution and consumption funds; between payroll funds and incentive funds, etc.
The use of economic methods of strengthening is necessary for the conscious use of the entire system of economic laws and categories of social development.
The system of economic methods will include two large groups: direct centralized settlement and cost accounting.
Direct calculation is based on a centralized planned directive consideration of material, labor and financial resources in order to ensure the proportions of expanded reproduction. It is planned and directive, which means it is mandatory and has the character of a law. This method works in the elimination of the consequences of emergencies (natural and man-made) and in some cases, in the form of subsidies, subventions and grants.
Cost accounting is based on the use of value categories as regulatory instruments and levers, the correlation of results and costs in the production and sale of products. The system of economic management methods relies on all levers of management: planning, economic analysis, economic incentives, etc.
Planning is designed to scientifically substantiate management: the distribution of official powers of managers and specialists, training of management personnel and increasing their specification, the development of management technology, the content of management work. The planning process requires constant improvement. Its main ways are as follows: broad account of market conditions; improving the system of planned indicators, strengthening their focus on final results, making a profit; increasing the role of forecasts and long-term plans, ensuring the unity of long-term, current and operational plans; introduction of progressive economic standards; the use of technical means; the use of exchanges, fairs, auctions for effective work, the development of contractual relations.
Economic analysis. Correct solution of economic and social problems, effective management are based on a deep analysis of the actual state of affairs. Its main tasks: determination of the system for performing tasks, programs, finding out the reasons in case of their failure; study of work experience and the possibilities of its use; determination of ways to improve production efficiency; improving social conditions for team members, etc.
Economic incentives are ensured by the creation of equal economic conditions for all divisions in terms of pay for equal work, while taking into account its efficiency and incentive measure.
Economic incentives in a broader sense include the use of such economic levers as price, cost, credit, profit, profitability, etc., as incentives for the development of production. It is necessary to use these levers in a complex manner, i.e. cover all stages of the control object.
Economic interests are a dynamic category, economic levers are capable of exerting an extremely contradictory influence on them: both stimulating and inhibiting. Therefore, in all cases, it is necessary to provide for the integrating influence of all levers of the control mechanism.
Economic levers can be viewed in terms of predominant influence. Thus, the category of wages can be considered as one of the most important economic levers operating at the level of the employee's personality. At the level of the collective, such a lever can be profit, profitability, at the level of society - capital productivity, return on investment, environmental friendliness of production, etc.
Economic levers of management should operate in the production management system and contribute to the stable functioning of agricultural production organizations.
Agricultural production as an object of management is a dynamically developing system that largely depends not only on the internal, but also on the external environment: climatic conditions, price parity, infrastructure, social status of the population.
Therefore, the improvement of production management requires constant attention in accordance with the direction of the internal and external objectives of the organization's management.
Internal goals include:
· Minimization of production costs and increase in labor productivity;
· Reduction in the total total duration of work or technological time;
· Increasing the volume of goods output and the level of quality;
· Improvement of working conditions or environmental protection.
Let us note some measures to improve production management at the level of agricultural organizations. First of all, such measures include the restructuring of production and management personnel, the development of new management approaches to the organization of production, the introduction of technical means for operational management.
These measures include the introduction of a dispatch service and its functions into the production process.
Dispatching service is understood as a centralized form of operational control based on the use of technical means of communication, collection of information, its processing, implementation of operational control and regulation of production.
The organization of the dispatch service can significantly increase the productivity of managerial work, control standards and management efficiency.
The dispatching service consists of the following elements: personnel, a set of technical means of control (intra-production radio and telephone communications, means of visual display of information), the methods of centralized operational control used.
The dispatching control system for the production process must meet the following requirements:
· Rely on a clear organization of operational planning, a direct continuation of which it is;
· Organize the continuity of control and monitoring of the course of production;
· To carry out fast and accurate execution of orders of the management;
· Be based on the responsibility and continuity of the operational leadership.
The dispatch service performs the following functions.
Operational analysis is the basis for performing operational management functions. In the process of analysis, the degree of implementation of the plan is determined, the reasons for the rejection are established, and options for solving problems are developed. Analysis of a specific problem situation is important. They promptly analyze the implementation of the work plan, the use of labor costs and technical resources, material and labor costs for the production and sale of products, the quality of labor and products.
Operational goal-setting and planning is the development of goals and planning of production and the social sphere. In a problematic situation, short-term goals are chosen to eliminate the problems that have arisen. Operational planning consists in drawing up monthly, ten-day, shift-daily assignments for the collective of the enterprise, its divisions and an individual employee. One of the planning functions is the independent solution by the employees of the central dispatching center of personnel placement issues and options for solving problems presented to the dispatch meeting.
The operational organization of management consists in the distribution of official powers to solve problems, the arrangement of technical and labor resources, the creation of new short-term organizational and functional regulation, maintaining constant communication with the help of technical means with managers, specialists, workers to ensure the stability, flexibility and adaptability of the management mechanism.
Operational regulation of the progress of planned programs ensures the interaction of teams of various departments, reliable two-way communication of managers, specialists and employees of the central dispatching point, detection of failure of plans, deviations from the schedule of their implementation and their prompt elimination, adjustment of plans, distribution of orders of employees of the management apparatus to eliminate problems that have arisen, activation activities of labor collectives.
Operational accounting and control is carried out on the basis of collection, processing and analysis of information. Control is exercised over the implementation of operational plans, current changes in the organization of labor and production, the implementation of orders and instructions of managers and specialists, compliance with the mode of use of technical and labor resources, technological methods, checking the technical condition of the machine and tractor fleet, the quality of labor and products, social, sanitary -hygienic, aesthetic and psychological conditions of production.
Evaluation of operational work includes a constant analysis of the implementation of decisions, which is carried out by employees of the central dispatching point, a dispatch meeting, and company managers.
The activities of the dispatching service are regulated by the Regulations on the dispatching service and the order of the latter.
Dispatching objects are production, processing and auxiliary units, vehicles of managers and specialists, mobile vehicles.
A supervisory control system will function well when all of its subsystems are interconnected.
The technical subsystem of the dispatch service includes: in-house automatic and dispatch telephone communications, director communications, dispatch radio communications, broadcast-search communications, devices for transmitting technological and other information (telecontrol, telemetry, tele-signalization, photo telegraph, industrial television), information recording means (voice recorder, tape recorder), measuring and computing equipment, means of visual display of information.
The information subsystem of the dispatching service is represented by all types of information circulating in the system, methods and means of working with it. Information flows are determined by the functions of the dispatch service, the level of organization of the control system, the number of dispatch objects, and the volume of production.
The following documents are kept at the central dispatching point: a dispatcher's log, a dispatching conference log, a register of applications from departments, a log of production and sales of products, operational schedules for the main work, control schedules for technical maintenance of cars and other equipment. To improve perception, the main types of operational information should be displayed on stands, tablets, diagrams.
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Boris A. Nefedov– Doctor in Technical Sciences, Professor, Department for Management, Faculty of Economics and Management named after AV Chayanov, RSAU-MAA named after KA Timiryazev, Moscow, Russia
Gleb A. Suvorov– Graduate Student, Department for Management, Faculty of Economics and Management named after AV Chayanov, RSAU-MAA named after KA Timiryazev, Moscow, Russia
The article discusses the economic methods of production management in enterprises of the agro-industrial complex, as well as the main tasks and goals of improving production management in agricultural enterprises.
Management improvement, production management, economic methods, production management subsystems.
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2. Malyuk VI, Proizvodstvennyy menedzhment: uchebnoye posobiye / VI Malyuk VI, AM Nemchin. - SPb .: Piter, 2008.
3. Il'yenkova AV Proizvodstvennyy menedzhment: uchebnik dlya vuzov / SD Il'yenkova, AV Bandurin, G.YA. Gorbovtsov [i dr.]; pod red. SD Il'yenkovoy. - M .: YUNITI-DANA, 2000.
4. Korolev YU.B. Upravleniye v APK / YU.B. Korolev, VZ Mazloyev, AV Mefed [i dr.]; pod red. YU.B. Koroleva. - M .: Kolos, 2006.
5. Korolev YU.B. Management v APK / YU.B. Korolev, VD Korotnev, GN Kochetova, Ye.N. Nikiforova; pod red. YU.B. Koroleva. - M .: Kolos, 2000.
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