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Issue No. 1 (17), 2017

In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”


A. A. Efremova, S. V. Vishnikina, and G. A. Suvorov


In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”

Efremova Alesya Andreevna - Chief Specialist, Analytical Center of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, Moscow, Russia

E-mail: alesya-efremova@yandex.ru

Vishnikina Svetlana Vadimovna - Head of Department, Analytical Center of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, Moscow, Russia

E-mail: s.vishnikina@mcx.ru

Suvorov Gleb Aleksandrovich - Master's student of the Department of Management, Faculty of Economics named after A.V. Chayanov, RSAU-Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazeva, Moscow, Russia

E-mail: gudlefr.s@gmail.com

RSCI SPIN: 1117-3869


The article examines the production and consumption of honey in the Russian Federation for 2010-2017. It was found that, according to the estimated data, the population consumes honey in 2 times less than established by Rosstat.


Honey production, market capacity, honey consumption, consumption rates.

Bibliographic address

Efremova A.A., Vishnikina S.V., Suvorov G.A. Honey as an export-oriented high-margin product: production and consumption // Risk management in the agro-industrial complex. 2017. No. 1. S. 36-43. URL: http://www.agrorisk.ru/20170103 [access date: DD.MM.YYYY]. ISSN 2413-6573.

Beekeeping is an important part of the agro-industrial complex of the Russian Federation, providing valuable food products, medicines and raw materials for a number of industries, including honey.

Natural bee honey differs according to the following characteristics: botanical (origin), floristic (from what flowers), regional (where it is collected) and technological (pumping method).

According to the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat), honey production in the Russian Federation in all categories of farms in 2016 amounted to 69.8 thousand tons, which is 3% higher than in 2015 and 35% higher than the production level in 2010. Hereinafter, data on honey production for the period 2017-2020 are presented according to the author's calculations.

In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”

In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”

In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”

In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”

In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”

In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”

In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”

In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”

In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”

In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”

In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”

In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”

Forecasting honey production in the Russian Federation, we will graphically present the dynamics until 2020. We see that the growth of production in 2017 by 2010 amounted to 39.6%, and by 2020 the growth of production may be 52.4%. In turn, the growth of 2020 by 2017 will amount to 9.2%.

In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”

In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”

In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”

In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”

In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”


In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”

In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”

In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”

In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”

In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”

In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”

In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”

In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”

In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”

In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”

In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”

In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”

In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”

In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”

At the same time, the leaders in the honey production industry are the Volga and Central Federal Districts, which produce more than 50% of the total honey volume in the Russian Federation. Volga Federal District in 2016 produced 23.6 thousand tons of honey, Central - 13.9 thousand tons3. The most modest figures are in the Northwestern and Ural Federal Districts, 2.2% and 2%, respectively.

Figure 2 - Production of commercial honey in the Russian Federation in 2015-2016, in farms of all categories (tons) in the regional context, the share of the total honey production in the Russian Federation as a whole (%) [3]

The Southern and Siberian Federal Districts each produce about 13% of the total honey production. The Far Eastern District supplies about 10% of the total honey volume, the rest of the federal districts - less than 5% each.

At present, beekeeping in Russia is represented by various forms of management.

Analysis of Rosstat data on the share of honey production by individual categories of agricultural producers for 2010-2016 confirmed that traditional main honey producers in Russia are households that produce more than 90% of honey from the total volume of all categories of farms. The current legislation exempts households from paying taxes on honey production (clause 13 of article 217 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation), which is one of the reasons for such a concentration of production in personal subsidiary plots.

In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”

In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”

In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”

According to Rosstat, in the period from 2010 to 2016, the structure of honey producers in the Russian Federation remains unchanged, where more than 90% of honey is produced by households, about 4% are peasant (farmer) households, and only 2% is accounted for by agricultural organizations.

Based on the norms of honey consumption (1.0 kg on average per consumer per year according to Rosstat), with a total population of the Russian Federation of more than 140 million people (Rosstat), the average consumer, according to the authors' estimates, accounts for slightly less than 0.5 kg honey per year.

Analyzing the data of the Federal State Statistics Service, one can see that the consumption of honey in Russia in the period from 2013 to 2016. averaged about 1 kg per year per consumer with a total sugar consumption of about 31 kg per year per person. Consequently, the volume of sugar consumption by the population of the Russian Federation exceeds both the norms established by the WHO (by 42%) and the norms of the Ministry of Health of Russia (by 23%). In the general structure of sugar consumption by the population, honey makes up no more than 3%, while sugar makes up 55%. At the same time, WHO assigns a key role to the governments of countries in shaping healthy eating habits of the population, in creating favorable conditions conducive to balanced nutrition.

In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”

Figure 3 - Consumption of sugar in Russia, including confectionery products in terms of sugar, 2016,% [5]

After analyzing the production, export and import of honey according to actual data from the Federal Customs Service and Rosstat of Russia, he calculated that the average consumption of honey per person in the Russian Federation in 2016 was 0.461 kg. Domestic consumption of honey was calculated as the sum of honey produced and imported to the Russian Federation in kg for 2016 minus exports for the specified period.

In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”

In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”

In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”

If we consider the consumption of honey by the population of the Russian Federation at the rate of 0.461 kg per person, it can be seen that the actual share of honey in the annual consumption of sugars by one person will be 1.3%

from the consumption of all types of sugars. Due to the fact that the indicator of the provision of the population with honey is not an indicator characterizing the level of food security of the Russian Federation, and is not reflected in the official regulatory documents, the assessment of the level of provision of the population of the Russian Federation with honey is rather difficult. Also, assessing the provision of the population with honey is complicated by the lack of a centralized statistical collection of data on personal and industrial consumption of honey.

In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”

In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”

Consumption of honey in the Russian Federation from 2013 to 2017 increased by 12.6%. The largest increase of 5.1% is observed in 2014 compared to 2013. In turn, 2017 showed a slight increase in consumption compared to 2016 by 0.2%.

Total honey consumption in the Russian Federation for 2013-2017 increased by 2.41%.

In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”

In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”

In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”

In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”

In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”

In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”

In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”

In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”

In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”

From this table we see that for the period from 2013 to 2017, in the context of federal districts, the largest increase in honey consumption was shown by the Southern Federal District (+ 32.29% to the level of 2013), and in the Far Eastern Federal District - an increase in consumption by 10.87 %.

The consumption of honey in the world is growing steadily. This is due to the constant growth of the world's population and the increase in the purchasing power of the population. The growth in demand for honey is also due to the use of honey in medicine, in the cosmetic industry, as an alternative to "white" sugar and artificial sweeteners. In addition, honey is increasingly used as an ingredient in the production of various foods and beverages.


1. Honey production. Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat). - URL access mode: https://fedstat.ru/indicator/31363

2. Bulletin on the state of agriculture (electronic version). - URL access mode: http://www.gks.ru/wps/wcm/connect/rosstat_main/ rosstat / ru / statistics / publications / catalog / doc_1265196018516

3. Food consumption in households. - URL access mode: http://www.gks.ru/wps/wcm/connect/rosstat_main/rosstat/ ru / statistics / publications / catalog / doc_1140095125312

[1] Federal State Statistics Service // https://fedstat.ru/indicator/31363

[2] Rosstat (https://fedstat.ru/indicator/31363) 9 Rosstat (https://fedstat.ru/indicator/31363)

[3] Rosstat (https://fedstat.ru/indicator/31363)

[4] Rosstat


[5] Rosstat http://www.gks.ru/wps/wcm/connect/rosstat_main/rosstat/ru/statistics/publications/catalog/doc_1140095125312




Alesia A. Efremova - Specialist, Analytical Center of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia

E-mail: alesya-efremova@yandex.ru

Svetlana V. Vishnikina - Head of Branch, Analytical Center of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia

E-mail: s.vishnikina@mcx.ru

Gleb A. Suvorov - Graduate Student, Department for Management, Faculty of Economics and Management named after AV Chayanov, RSAU-MAA named after KA Timiryazev, Moscow, Russia

Email: gudlefr.s@gmail.com


The article discusses the production and consumption of honey in the Russian Federation for 2010-2017. It was found that according to calculated data, the population consumes honey in 2 times less than established by Rosstat.


Honey production, market capacity, honey consumption, consumption rates.


1. Proizvodstvo meda. Federal'naya sluzhba gosudarstvennoy statistiki (Rosstat) - Rezhim dostupa URL: https://fedstat.ru/indicator/31363

2. Byulleten 'o sostoyanii sel'skogo khozyaystva (elektronnaya versiya) - Rezhim dostupa URL: http://www.gks.ru/wps/wcm/connect/rosstat_main/ rosstat / ru / statistics / publications / catalog / doc_1265196018516

Potrebleniye produktov pitaniya v domashnikh khozyaystvakh - Rezhim dostupa URL: http://www.gks.ru/wps/wcm/connect/rosstat_main/rosstat/ ru / statistics / publications / catalog / doc_1140095125312

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