180303 | Портал "Управление рисками в АПК"
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Issue No. 3 (25), 2018

F. I. Khudiev

Assessment of the export potential of Russian grain crops

Farid Islamovich Khudiev - Chief Specialist, Analytical Center of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, Moscow, Russia

E-mail: f.hudiev@mcxac.ru

SPIN: 3158-0477


The article examines the export potential of grain crops until 2020, identifies the most priority sales markets for Russian grain crops both in the current partner countries and in new ones. In addition, the authors calculated the possible share of an increase in the export of grain products.


Cereals, export potential, forecast up to 2020, food security level, new sales markets, potential partners of the Russian Federation.

Bibliographic address

F.I. Khudiev Assessment of the export potential of Russian grain crops // Risk management in the agro-industrial complex. 2018.No. 3.P. 45-56. URL: http://www.agrorisk.ru/20180303 [access date: DD.MM.YYYY]. ISSN 2413-6573.

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